#acl kersting:read,write All:read = University of Oslo, Norway: ReleQuant = University of Oslo, [[http://www.ntnu.edu/|Norwegian University of Science and Technology]], [[http://www.naturfagsenteret.no/c1442967/artikkel/vis.html?tid=1442390|Norwegian Centre for Science Education]] [[https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/carla/index.html|Carl Angell]], [[https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/thomasf/index.html|Thomas Frågåt]], [[https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/ekarolin/index.html|Ellen Karoline Henriksen]], [[https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/magdak/index.html|Magdalena Kersting]], [[https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/maria-vetleseter-boe/index.html|Maria Vetleseter Bøe]], [[https://www.uv.uio.no/iped/english/people/aca/rolfstei/index.html|Rolf Steier]], [[https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/cathwt/index.html|Cathrine Wahlstrøm Tellefsen]], [[https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/people/aca/arntvi/index.html|Arnt Inge Vistnes]], [[http://www.ntnu.edu/employees/berit.bungum|Berit Bungum]], [[http://www.naturfagsenteret.no/c1405591/ansatte.html?tid=1405601naturfagsenteret.no/|Øystein Sørborg]] == DESCRIPTION == ReleQuant develops digital, research-based learning resources in general relativity and quantum physics for upper secondary physics. Practicing physics teachers as well as physics teacher students are included in the project through ReleQuant Competence https://www.forskningsradet.no/prosjektbanken/#!/project/246723/en . ReleQuant combines: * development of digital learning resources * research on pupils' learning processes and motivation in physics * research on how the collaboration develops competence in the involved practitioner groups: teacher students, teachers and researchers == REFERENCES: == Project ReleQuant - overview: https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/research/projects/relequant/ General Relativity learning environment: http://www.viten.no/relativity List of papers and publications: * Magdalena Kersting 2019 Phys. Educ. 54 035008 https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6552/ab08f5 * Henriksen, E. K., Angell, C., Vistnes, A. I., & Bungum, B. (2018). What Is Light? Science & Education, 27(1–2), 81–111. * Bungum, B., Bøe, M. V., & Henriksen, E. K. (2018). Quantum talk: How small-group discussions may enhance students’ understanding in quantum physics. Science Education, 102(4), 856–877. http://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21447 * Bøe, M. V., Henriksen, E. K., & Angell, C. (2018). Actual versus implied physics students: How students from traditional physics classrooms related to an innovative approach to quantum physics. Science Education. https://doi.org/10.1002/sce.21339 * Kersting, M., & Steier, R. (2018). Understanding curved spacetime - the role of the rubber sheet analogy in learning general relativity. Science & Education, 27(7), 593–623. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11191-018-9997-4 * Kersting, M., Henriksen, E. K., Bøe, M. V., & Angell, C. (2018). General relativity in upper secondary school: design and evaluation of an online learning environment using the model of educational reconstruction. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14(1), 010130-1-010130-18. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.14.010130 * Kersting, Magdalena (2018). General Relativity – Why high school students should learn about Einstein’s most revolutionary idea https://titan.uio.no/node/2671 * Kersting, Magdalena (2018). Navigating Four Dimensions http://www.lateralmag.com/articles/issue-27/navigating-four-dimensions , Lateral Magazine http://www.lateralmag.com/ * Blair, David; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline & Hendry, Martin (2016). Why don’t we teach Einstein’s theories in school? http://theconversation.com/why-dont-we-teach-einsteins-theories-in-school-69991 The Conversation, 20 December 2016 * Vinjusveen, H.M. and Bungum, B. (2016). ‘From the cat’s point of view’: upper secondary physics students’ reflections on Schrödinger’s thought experiment. Physics Education 51 (5), 055009, https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0031-9120/51/5/055009 * Bungum, Berit; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Angell, Carl; Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm & Bøe, Maria Vetleseter (2015). ReleQuant - improving teaching and learning in quantum physics through educational design research :. Nordina: Nordic studies in science education https://www.journals.uio.no/index.php/nordina/article/view/2043 . ISSN 1894-1257. 11(2), pp. 153- 168 * Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Bungum, Berit; Angell, Carl; Tellefsen, Cathrine Wahlstrøm; Frågåt, Thomas & Bøe, Maria Vetleseter (2014). Relativity, quantum physics and philosophy in the upper secondary curriculum: Challenges, opportunities and proposed approaches. Physics Education, http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/0031-9120 . ISSN 0031-9120. 49(6), pp. 678- 684 . doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/49/6/678, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-9120/49/6/678